Weaving My Path Blog

Weaving my interests, weaving my experiences, weaving my future. Follow as I continue weaving my path. 

Reactive Thoughts


I wrote this on August, 27, 2020. On Tuesday, November 30, 2021 during the 12am hour, I logged in to create a new post for later in the day. For me, as I read it, I felt the emotions that were intensified due to the events that occurred during that year. Reactions to issues that have been simmering for so long.


I saw this post, above, on social media. Below, the following words came to mind.

Bearing the weight, hope and trauma of our ancestors,
seeing the unjustice, immoral and evil actions of the present
Trying to define ourselves, prove our worth, our value as human beings, resounding a voice to impact change
Only to witness the denial, victim blaming, lack of accountability, ownership of privilege, deception, poor leadership, trampling of human life
Subconscious thoughts that have you second guess your looks, clothes, speech, walk, possessions, travel, occupation, activities and position to make sure you are not seen as a threat
To be seen as a person
To be Seen
Verbal, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and physical assaults to undermine and belittle and then to see those who take, copy and profit off what makes you, You
Stolen ideas, stolen towns, stolen land and stolen bodies
Yet you continue to wake up everyday to continue being a citizen, a resident because you have personal responsibilities and goals
Living and working, dealing with life's pressures and demands, a society that benefits the few, taking advantage of the many

The masses, too distracted, exhausted, miseducated, with mis-directed anger, infighting instead of coming together
Working together

Thinking of, seeking to, but hardly find time for true self care. To let your mind rest, your body recover and your soul heal
But the wounds are still there and occur one after the other, leaving less time in between each shock to the body for a scar to form
So yeah we are weary but this is not the kind of strength where we are strong because we want to be
But this is a strength that we have to grasp each day to anchor ourselves because we have to protect ourselves
To protect the truth
To protect the future
To protect our sanity

All while living, marking another day of survival.

Multiple greetings at the start of each day
Each time asked;
"Hi, how are you, today?"
All of that weight is not equated into the following reply,
"Hi, I am fine".

- Thank you to the humans that value human life